Click this button for some different kind of help.
Click in this button to transfer to the MacInTax application. It will not highlight until you have successfully exported your data.
Click this button to break a link between a CheckWriter category and a MacInTax category. You only need to select the MacInTax category for this button to highlight. If the button doesn't highlight, it means that no link exists.
Click this button to link a CheckWriter category to a MacInTax category. One entry in each list must be selected before this button will highlight.
These are the budget categories from MacInTax. Greyed out fields indicate the forms which fields below them come from.
These are the existing CheckWriter budget categories.
Click on this button to Export data to MacInTax‚Ñ¢. By holding down the OPTION key while selecting the MacInTax link from the Utilities Menu, you can go directly to the export without having to wait for this dialog.